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very fun game! was addictive to play over and over to try to achieve S rank.


Rank 1 NA - nice work, gamer


I want to become a gubu in real life so bad!


we are working really hard to figure out how to make you a gubu in real life. just hold tight




such a fun game


First game rank B - I know what I'll be working at beating all night. Really cool game :]


love the grinder's mindset. stay up!


Proud to say I got ranked A (after a few tries haha)!

It's a really cool game with a very appeasing vibe, and the gameplay is quite addictive when you get the grasp of it. 

Now I want a Gubu plush (orangeda is the coolest but don't tell the others) ! :)


gubu plush drop immediately plz


S rank baby! I love them gubus


The gubu goat... they're gonna hang your jersey in the rafters


Very cute :)


Really wanted to get to 30k, but 29381 is the best I could do. Love the artstyle.


Thanks for playing! 29k is better than I usually get xD